Import characters created using Forge Steel into your games in the Draw Steel Codex.
Installing the Forge Steel Character Importer
- Go into the game in Codex in which you want to use the importer.
- Click Tools then Download Module…
- In the Search box, type Forge Steel Importer.
- Click on the result, then the Install button.

Using the Forge Steel Character Importer
- Create a character using Forge Steel.
- In Forge Steel, export that character as data and save it where you can get to it.
- Change the file extension on the file you just saved to .json.
- Go into the game in Codex into which you want to import your character.
- Click Tools then Import Assets…
- In the Importer dialog:
- In the Choose Importer list, choose Forge Steel Character (JSON).
- Click the Choose Files… button and select the file you created earlier.
- Hover over the character found to make sure you’re happy with the information that will be imported.
Note that this tooltip shows a very small, very incomplete subset of the full character information.
- Click the Import button.
- You can toggle [d]ebug and [v]erbose logging via the /fsci chat command.
Using /fsci dv toggles both. Include one letter to toggle either.
Issue the command with no value to display current state.
The default state for debug and verbose logging is off.
Constraints & Known Issues
- Feature Availability: Obviously we can’t import data for features that aren’t implemented in either or both of the systems.
- Matching Logic: The following are considerations for this aspect of the import:
- Text Matching: All matching between Forge Steel data and Codex data is done via text comparison. If names do not closely match (case in-sensitive match), the data will not be imported.
If you think your import is failing because of a mismatch in the names of things, please send me the JSON file so I can update the module’s mapping and make it work.
- Varying Object Configuration: A mismatch in object configuration between the two systems will prevent objects from being imported.
- Imported Object Types: The importer will create Languages in your game if it doesn’t find a match. Any other mismatched objects will usually be ignored but may halt the import if the impact of the missing data is severe.
- Rules-Opinionated: The importer supports the object structures described in the Draw Steel manuscripts even though the Codex allows you to extend them. For instance, in RAW, all Culture aspects currently offer skill choices. If you were to extend an existing Culture aspect or create a new Culture aspect that had some other type of choice like language, that would not be imported.
- Excluded Items: The following items are not currently imported:
- Ancestry Tab: Extra Proficiency.
- Default Language: This is a setting in the game. It is not data on the character. It is not importable.
- Import (character sheet tab): This is purposefully not added to the character when logging debug messages.
In approximate priority order…
- Fixing the fixable constraints.